We would like to invite the community to come to our meetings and any activities we have. If, after a few meetings, you feel you would like to join, the yearly dues are only $20….such a deal!! Simply go to the Membership and Dues tab and choose Join The Club / Pay Dues. You can use PayPal. Also, Depending on what month you join, your dues will be prorated based on a start month of April.

Please welcome our new president, Brian Listvan, KJ5CNC. Let’s all join in to welcome Brian and support him in guiding the club in new directions.

The next club meeting will be on Saturday, September 7, 2024 at 10 am.

September Program

Several members of BARC have been experimenting with a mode of very low power radio operation known as “Mesh Networking.” At the meeting, Dominic KI5WTR, Andy KI5VJJ, and Gerry N2GJ will share their knowledge of this interesting topic. A short 8 minute video will be shown that gives a view from 10,000 feet. We also have some slides drawn from an overview presented to the Caravan ARC several months ago. Several different mesh devices will be demonstrated. 
